My cheese movie of the weeks is :
Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane.
If you like zombie nuns with missing limbs and oh yes very important...
on a plane, then this is for you. As Far as good " bad horror movies" goes, this is a really good one. Don't let the whole "Living dead" Romero knock off series thing scare you off this isn't the same shit. The original name for the film was "Plane Dead", which is a crap name, I guess that's`why it was changed to the more interesting and comical title of Flight of the Living Dead. I know I know , Snakes on a on a plane same sh*t different bad acting ,But I promise you there's no Jody foster in this one (sorry" Flight plan " or Panic room II " or whatever you called it.) She was the bomb in CONTACT though right? But back to my original rant....The story sticks to the plot of most zombie movies, The only real difference is the detail that they use to explain what the virus really is . ( I know I know Resident evil does give a shitty explanation, and yes it is kinda like the "T" virus , but remember that's not a zombie movie, its a video game movie . There's a difference, and of course...its on a plane! Which is really messed up concerning you can hide in a missile silo, or a chopping mall ( LOL like the pun ?) But not in a fu@$%&g plane. So a group of scientist are working on a " virus" developed from a mosquito that lives in Africa that will re-generate dead tissue on soldiers in battle.Two of the scientist are married one becomes infected so they attempted to fly her out of the country . ahem! While in flight the plane gets into a nasty Storm .She escapes and all the fun begins. The Acting for a "B" movie is great, Especially if you don't mind movies that contain other well known "oh that guy" actors.
Such as Kevin J. O'Connor, Who!?! Swann from Lord of Illusions ! Say it together now children "oh that guy" hes a con artist which is being escorted to stand trial for some shady accounting concerning the mob. The usual story. We also have one of his buddy's from the mummy on board Erick Avari . He was the old dude with the odd beard in " Mr.Deeds. Again "oh that guy". If you happen to see the actual commercial while flipping through channels maybe in between robot chicken and the girls gone wild infomercial, he's the zombie that gets sucked into the jet engines, yes ladies and gentlemen! A FUCKING JET ENGINE. WOW! As in any true good Zombie movie, there is no happy ending . But you never really know what happens to the characters.
So go out and get this one .If you have the same love for cheesball movies as I do this is a great one to watch!

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