There was something magical about the cartoons when I was growing up that I don't see nowadays. Maybe I'm to old to see it anymore. Maybe kids today will be saying the same thing about there cartoons when they are my age, but one thing is for certain, Man cartoons kicked major ass in the 80s. They didn't look like poppy anime characters with bulging eyes and crazy hyper colored patterns for backgrounds. "Hell no" we had GIJOE, we had TRANSFORMERS, we had THUNDERCATS we had TMNT. Crazy ideas that till this day are memorable and iconic, so iconic that the loyal fan bases are the reason for an idea less Hollywood to continuously dip its hands into the 80s Optimus Prime cookie jar for the next big summer hit. So whether you love it or hate it, its the stuff my...our childhood was made of. Pure cheesy awesomeness. So until Transformers 2 or the GIJOE movie comes out watch these and sing along to get your nostalgic fixes.
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