About a year ago, The Departed came out and revitalized the tough guy movie. Leonardo DiCaprio finally looked like a man and not like a scrawny little sissy anymore, which helped when it came to
holding his own against the other big dogs on screen. But, with a great success like Departed, imitators are sure to follow.
This week, we have We Own The Night. The trailers try to push that it has that Departed feel to it, but the film falls kind of short of those expectations.
Bobby Green is a popular guy. He manages a night club in 1988 New York that just happens to be owned by the Russians that his father and brother, who happen to be police officers, are investigating. Now, Bobby is left with the choice of helping his family or betraying them!!! Oh snap!!!
Joaquin Phoenix is fantastic as Bobby. In Night, Phoenix accomplishes the same feat he does with every film, and that is totally lose himself in the character. Whenever he is on-screen, no one else matters. As Bobby's brother Joseph, Mark Wahlberg basically recycles his performance from The Departed, only it's not as good. Robert Duvall mostly coasts through this film as their father Burt, but it's The Duvall, he can get away with it. Eva Mendes plays Bobby's girl Amada. She's good when she doesn't have to show too much emotion. Her scenes that involve her being drunk or high are probably the most believable. Even though her performance wasn't mind-blowing, I still (heart) her. She's quite pleasant to look at. Alex Veadov plays what is essentially the main baddie who wages war on the cops, Vadim. He plays the role very calm and to good effect.
James Gray handled both screenwriting and directing duties here. Let's talk about his script. The story is pretty simple and not all that original. What makes We Own the Night work is the dialogue, which is pretty solid and gives the cast a lot of meat to chew on.
The film is visually pleasing. I mean, who can complain when a movie starts with Eva Mendes all coked up on a couch and letting a nipple slip? No one, that's right. The scenes of violence are well shot and edited, having no problem building up suspense. The standout action sequence is a car chase that takes place under heavy rain. I tip my hat to Mr. Gray for that one.
I will say that the climax is very underwhelming, considering all that took place before it. That was a bit of a disappointment, along with the so-so acting I mentioned above.
The final scene of the film is very touching though. It involves two characters exchanging two easy bits of dialogue, but that scene is the one I remember best, besides Mendes' nipple slip of course.
Overall Review: ** 1/2 stars
Best Line:
Duvall: If you piss in your pants, you can only stay warm for so long.
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