If you're looking at the subject heading and asking yourself, "What the hell is he talking about?", allow me to explain. 80's comedies have a certain feel to them. They always manage to put a smile on your face. From Ferris Bueller's Day Off to Bachelor Party to Fast Times at Ridgmont High, they are films that will remain being classics forever. There are films that have tried to duplicate that feel. Many have failed. Others have come close. Five have been chosen as the best! Here is the list(which is an absolute good), starting from five and working it's way to the best 80's comedy-film made after the 80's! We begin with:
5.) The Girl Next Door - This movie was such a surprise to me. I thought it was going to be another good premise wasted in a bad movie. I was wrong. The plot revolves a girl that moves next door to a high school kid and they end up becoming an item. One of the guy's buddies reveals a dirty little secret about his woman and his life begins to spiral out of control. Elisha Cuthbert plays the titular girl and is unbelievably hot! Timothy Olyphant shows up and steals every scene he's in. When you take the pressures of high school, a really hot chick, the porn industry, a great soundtrack and mix them all together, it makes for one very entertaining movie, which The Girl Next Door is.
Best Line: It's like a gift. It's like I can't control it.
4.) Road Trip - Sure, American Pie was funny, but this movie was hilarious! Long-distance relationships are tough, and this flick shows one of the worst things that can happen. The story revolves around a boyfriend and girlfriend who go to different colleges. The boyfriend has a fling with a girl on campus and videotapes it. Next thing he knows, that tape is accidently mailed to his girlfriend. He rounds up some of his buddies and they take a road trip to try and intercept the tape before his girlfriend watches it. Plenty of problems arise during this trip, and every situation is funnier than the last.
Best Line: Would you like a fresh towel? Maybe you can roll that up and smoke it.
3.) Old School - Welcome back Vince Vaughn! That's what I said after seeing this flick for the first time. After a a string of serious movies like Return to Paradise and really bad ones like Domestic Disturbance, Vaughn returned to comedic form in this ode to the classic college comedy genre. Men of all ages pledging to fraternities, naked chicks, and lots of vulgar language is enough material to create a comedy that will be remembered for many years to come. Old School has all of these components, and Will Ferrell!
Best Line: You're my boy Blue!
2.) Can't Hardly Wait - This is the only movie on this list that is not rated R. Even at PG-13, this flick had me in stitches. High school is over and it's time for everyone to grow up, but not before one last party. Many of the people going to this party have certain things that need to be accomplished. Whether the subplots include getting even with the school bully, having sex, or telling the most popular girl in school that you're in love with her, Can't Hardly Wait delivers on all fronts. The way the characters are introduced is also very creative.
Best Line: Someone in there called me a...fag!
1.) Wedding Crashers - I remember when I first saw this trailer. It was in a packed movie theater and everyone in there was laughing. I started to think that the movie itself wasn't going to be able to live up to the reaction the trailer received. Well, it lived up to it and then some! The pairing of Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson in this R-rated comedy about two guys that crash weddings to sleep with chicks was genius. You have Wilson's laid back delivery matched up against Vaughn's rat-a-tat-tat style and what came out of it was comedy gold! Plus, you have Christopher Walken, who makes me laugh just by the way he talks, and the beautiful Rachel McAdams as the love interest.
Best Line: Jabroni!
So that's the list. What do you think?
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