Let me start this off by saying that I didn't completely hate Ang Lee's Hulk. I thought it was decent up until Nick Nolte turned into that electric cloud or whatever the fuck it was. That pretty much ruined it.
Now, only a few years later, Marvel has decided to try again with The Incredible Hulk, the second film to be fully financed by Marvel Studios. The first film was this summer's Iron Man. Both movies follow a similar formula, which is to give you a simple, basic story set-up and let the actors and director entertain you with good performances and solid action. Both of these films succeed on that level.
Bruce Banner has been in hiding for quite some time after he was exposed to large amounts of gamma radiation. While Banner is trying to find a cure, the military is searching for him so they can take what he has and use it as a weapon. But that shit ain't cool! HULK SMASH MUTHA FUCKAS!
Edward Norton slips into the role of Banner very comfortably. But we all knew that was going to happen. Norton is one of the most gifted actors out there. I was a little shocked that he starred in a big Hollywood movie like this but he definitely molded the material to work for him. Liv Tyler plays Banner's one and only love, Betty Ross. Tyler is okay here. She always seems kind of lost to me, almost a little clueless, but she's pretty good in this flick. Tim Roth eats it up as Emil Blonksy, the soldier in charge of bringing Banner down! Roth has a good time here, but he doesn't go overboard with his performance either. William Hurt plays General Ross, the man hellbent on getting Banner's power. I'm not a big Hurt fan. I always feel like he's just reading lines and not bringing anything to the characters he plays. I felt the same way watching him in this flick as well.
Zak Penn is the only credited writer for The Incredible Hulk, but if you've been following this film like I have, you'd know that Norton had a huge part in the final screenplay. Norton is notorious for trying to have too much creative control, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing if it helps make the film better. Like I said earlier, the set-up for this flick is as simple as it gets. Even the explanation of how Banner became the Hulk is only shown through the opening credits. That's it! But it works for this movie.
Oh...oh...before I forget! This version of the Hulk finally got something right. When Banner transforms from the Hulk back to his normal self, his pants are stretched and no longer fit him. I was like, "Thank you for addressing that issue!"
I was a little worried when I saw that Louis Leterrier, the man behind the Transporter films, was directing Hulk. The first Transporter was a decent, disposable film, but the sequel was among one of the worst movies ever made. After seeing this new Hulk, though, I have changed my mind about Leterrier. He keeps the film moving and directs the action sequences like a pro.
While we're talking about the action, let me say that everyone needs to see this film in a theatre that is sure to be ridiculously loud. All of the action scenes are nice and long and full of destruction. I don't know about you guys, but I love me some destruction. From a rooftop chase through the slums of Brazil to Hulk fighting another monster in the streets of New York, you will not be disappointed with the action in this film.
Ang Lee's Hulk, once again, wasn't a total failure in my eyes, but The Incredible Hulk is far more enjoyable and worth the price of admission.
Overall Review: *** stars
Best Line:
Norton: (In Portuguese) You don't want to see me when I'm hungry.
(Back in English) Wait, that's not right.
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